“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react that matters” ~ Epictetus

Tri-Alliance athletes are embracing the virtual world of training and discovering some unexpected benefits along the way!

“I work harder with less distraction


“Being able to shower and get dinner started as soon as training is finished”


“Working on core and strength which I always promise myself I will focus on… but never do”


“Every day I have been doing some running or yoga or open water swimming but without much direction and while it has been enjoyable, the dry land swimming session brought back purpose and focus to my training, which I really need”


“After just one night of sessions, I felt I was getting back a sense of routine and as a result I slept better”


“Living alone and facing a prolonged period of time in a one-bedroom apartment, with limited outdoor exercise, was extremely difficult to even imagine let alone do. I started working more hours trying to keep myself as busy as possible to ignore the reality of being stuck inside. I soon realised I needed to find a better balance but I get bored easily so thought ‘virtual training’ would not be any good for me. How wrong I was – I much prefer the virtual Tuesday wind trainer sessions, I now get to do it with a great view and cool breeze instead of dying in that sauna otherwise known as MSAC whilst Greg shouts at me for the 28th time about what I am doing wrong. The dry-land swim and strength sessions are allowing me to focus on my weak areas that I never do during regular sessions (turns out I don’t own a core?!) and they give me a sense of routine that I was lacking during the initial weeks. My mental health has improved and I actually think this iso thing isn’t so bad after all. And plus, you just never know when you might get to train with a potato……..”


“How good is it when you get to a session early and you can fold washing or start cooking dinner while you wait?”


“I love training virtually because at the end of the session, I can be showered, changed and sitting on the couch eating dinner, all in the space of 10mins”


“I know I should stretch every day, I know I need to do strength but when you spend your week swimming, riding and running, it’s so easy to put these to the side…now, it’s kind of scary (and very exciting) to think how flexible and strong we’re going to be on the other side of this pandemic, if we’re consistent with these sessions!” 


“It’s been 5 days and I already feel like I’m more flexible” 

“I didn’t think I would find anything better about Tuesday windtrainer sessions than the on-bike calf stretch – until iso came along with the ‘4 second walk to the shower at the end‘…….”


“I’m only attending the dry-land swim sessions for community services purposes – I live on Chapel Street, so give a lot of people a laugh at 7am ‘swimming’ on my balcony with no water in sight. The locals who are getting through this pandemic by being as high as possible in particular think its great…….”


“the great thing about virtual stretch/flexibility sessions is you can fart as much as you like #thankgodformute” 


“I don’t have to shave my legs!”


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