We have a great swim program at Tri-Alliance VIC, with multiple sessions available to athletes. Due to the popularity and lane allocations at venues, we need to ensure we have all athletes swimming at the time and venue that is best suited to their needs. Therefore, we have established some criteria to help grade athletes into the correct ability groups, encourage them to learn the developmental continuum of swim levels and understand why/what will best benefit them as an athlete in their progression to improve.
Please note, athletes must show competence in the criterion below before advancing to the next level. This ensures our swim programs remain at the highest standard, providing optimal training environments for athletes and coaches.
- Criteria to participate; Must be able to demonstrate the ability to swim 50m (the length of the pool) freestyle unaided.
- Time Cycles; Not Applicable.
- Description of session; Athletes will be practicing drills, learn technique to improve their swim ability and fitness.
- General distance; n/a
- Goal; Individuals goal for level 1 is to swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 15min to complete. Once competent on time and ability to swim 500m they graduate to Level 2. Discretion of the coach will apply.
- Skills/Strokes: Learn freestyle and begin learning bilaterally breathing,
- Best Sessions to Attend: Monday nights & Wednesday mornings (additional learn-to-swim and technique clinics can be recommended).
- Criteria to participate; Individual must swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 15min to complete. Discretion of the coach will apply.
- Time Cycles; Individual must be able to swim between 2:30 to 3 min per 100m.
Must be able to complete 5 x 100m on a 3min per 100 or less. - Description of session; Warm up will consist of drills and short intervals. Main set will be moderate interval working within 2:30 to 3 min helping to improve both technique and fitness.
- General distance; 2.5 to 3.5 km per session
- Goal; Individual’s goal for level 2 is to swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 12:30 min to complete.
- Skills/Strokes: Learn backstroke, to implement in warm up and cool down, begin learning bilaterally breathing, Make streamline turns off the wall.
Once competent on time and ability to swim 500m you graduate to Level 3. Discretion of the coach will apply. - Best Sessions to Attend: Monday nights & Wednesday mornings (additional technique clinics can be recommended).
- Criteria to participate; Individual must swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 12.30min to complete. Show the ability to bilaterally breathe and streamline turns off the wall. Discretion of the coach will apply.
- Time Cycles; Individual must be able to swim between 2:05 to 2:30 min per 100m.
Must be able to complete 5 x 100m on a 2:30 min per 100 or less. - Description of session; Consist of more advanced drills and short and medium intervals. Main set will be challenging interval working within 2:30 min time cycle helping to improve both technique and fitness.
- General distance; 2 to 3 km per session
- Goal; Individuals goal for level 3 is to swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 10:00 min to complete.
- Skills/Strokes: Ability to swim backstroke, breaststroke and basic butterfly. Competent in bilaterally breathing, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall.
Once competent on skill ability and time to swim 500m you graduate to Level 4. Discretion of the coach will apply. - Best Sessions to Attend: Monday nights and Wednesday mornings.
- Criteria to participate; Individual must swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 10:00 min to complete. Show the ability to bilaterally breathe, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall competently. Stroke skills required; in addition to freestyle the swimmer must be competent in backstroke, breaststroke and a reasonable level of butterfly. Discretion of the coach will apply.
- Time Cycles; Individual must be able to swim between 2:05 to 2:30 min per 100m.
Must be able to complete 5 x 100m on a 2:00 min per 100 or less. - Description of session; Consist of more advanced drills and periodised intervals based on the training phase of the annual program. Main set will be mainly intensive interval working within 2:00 min time cycle helping to improve both strength and fitness. Please refer here to see more on training phase.
- General distance; 2.5 to 3.5 km per session
- Goal; Individuals goal for Level 4 is to swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 8:45 min to complete.
- Skills/Strokes; Ability to swim backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly at a reasonable level. Competent in bilaterally breathing, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall.
Once competent on skill ability and time to swim 500m you graduate to Level 5. Discretion of the coach will apply. - Best Sessions to Attend: Monday nights, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
- Criteria to participate; Individual must swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 8:45 min to complete. Show the ability to bilaterally breathe, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall competently. Stroke skills required; in addition to freestyle the swimmer must be competent in backstroke, breaststroke and a reasonable level of butterfly. Discretion of the coach will apply.
- Time Cycles; Individual must be able to swim between 1:30 to 1:45 min per 100m.
Must be able to complete 5 x 100m on a 1:45 min per 100 or less. - Description of session; Consist of more advanced drills and periodised intervals based on the training phase of the annual program. Participants will often work under reduced rest periods. Main set will be mainly intensive interval working within 1:45 min time cycle helping to improve both strength and fitness. Please refer here to see more on training phase.
- General distance; 3 to 4 km per session
- Goal; Individuals goal for Level 5 is to swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 7:30 min to complete.
- Skills/Strokes; Ability to swim backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly at a competent level. Competent in bilaterally breathing, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall.
Once competent on skill ability and time to swim 500m you graduate to Level 6. Discretion of the coach will apply. - Best Sessions to Attend: Monday nights, Wednesday and Friday mornings.
- Criteria to participate; Individual must swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 7:30 min to complete. Show the ability to bilaterally breathe, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall competently. Stroke skills required; in addition to freestyle the swimmer must be competent in backstroke, breaststroke and a reasonable level of butterfly. Discretion of the coach will apply.
- Time Cycles; Individual must be able to swim between 1:10 to 1:30 min per 100m.
Must be able to complete 5 x 100m on a 1:30 min per 100 or less. - Description of session; Consist of more advanced drills and periodised intervals based on the training phase of the annual program. Participants will often work under reduced rest periods. Main set will be mainly intensive interval working within 1:30 min time cycle helping to improve both strength and fitness. Please refer here to see more on training phase.
- General distance; 3.5 to 5 km per session
- Goal; Individuals goal for Level 5 is to swim a straight 500m efficiently and take no longer than 6:30 min to complete.
- Skills/Strokes; Ability to swim backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly at a competent level. Competent in bilaterally breathing, tumble turns and streamline turns off the wall.
- Best Sessions to Attend: Monday nights, Wednesday and Friday mornings.