Bondy, 10/07/201910/07/2019, General News, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
+ WEEKLY TRANSITION 23rd JANUARY 2023 – SWIM, RIDE, RUN, READ Bondy, 23/01/202323/01/2023, Athletes Corner, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
Ironman Melbourne Announced for 25th March 2012 Ollie Allan, 04/08/201104/08/2011, Announcements, General News, Tri Alliance TV, IM Melbourne, Ironman Melbourne, Tri Alliance, 0 Ironman Melbourne Announced for 25th March 2012 at Urban Hotel St Kilda by Rikky Jeffs and Shane Smith. Bring...
+ Race Report Gatorade Active Feet Race 3 Elwood Emma Donati, 15/01/201315/01/2013, General News, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, 1 You know it’s going to be a good day when you wake up before dawn and you can’t hear...
+ Gatorade Race 2 StKilda Olympic Distance Race Report Ollie Allan, 15/01/201415/01/2014, General News, In the Media, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, 1 Race 2 of the Gatorade Series kicked off 2014 with a big day of racing. With 4 race distances...
+ WEEKLY TRANSITION 20th FEBRUARY 2019 – SWIM, RIDE, RUN, READ Bondy, 20/02/201920/02/2019, General News, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
+ WEEKLY TRANSITION 14th OCTOBER 2024 – SWIM, BIKE, RUN, READ Bondy, 14/10/202414/10/2024, Athletes Corner, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
+ New Zealand World Championships: Geoff Taylor Emma Donati, 18/09/201218/09/2012, Athletes Corner, General News, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, 1 With just over a month until this years Sprint and Olympic Distance World Championships being held in New Zealand,...
+ Trail Running – Love & Learnings Ollie Allan, 09/06/202117/06/2021, Athlete Survey, Athletes Corner, Feature-Articles, TA-news, Athlete Stories, Race Report, TA Family, 0 A few years ago, after completing a number of Ironman triathlons, I started trail running. Our TA Sunday runs...