Hi everyone, hope you’ve been well and keeping warm! We’ve certainly been keeping warm over here at Thanyapura in Thailand.
Most of you will know who is here this week, training hard with Coach Ollie but before we get in to it, Gaz has collaborated with us this week to play a little game with you all and share his learnings of the crew so far! Mix and match to guess who!

Name | Pants |
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Sweaty pants – I lose so much fluid the pool rises when I go swimming. The only races I don’t enter are the ones I don’t know about. |
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Ants in your pants – I eat my body weight of the rainbow at every meal and invite other people, especially Grumpy pants, to do the same. I cannot sit still. |
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New pants – I wear sunglasses on my head, when they should be on my eyes. I may have been conned in to this triathlon business but it seems like I’ve been part of the crew for years! |
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Grumpy pants – I can be found squealing in the cold plunge pool; with my head in my hands if the ride starts late but once the ride starts, you’ll find me flying along frequently mistaken for a Ferrari. |
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Tourist pants – We both (clue: two people!) took a tour to a beach that was closed, where there were no shops and not a person in sight. After being stuck here for 4 hours, we nearly got a lift back on the Kitty Pong bus…uhoh! |
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Happy pants – Also known as Persistent pants. I am always smiling, even halfway through a swim set – despite a disappointed coach! Positive and enthusiastic, no matter the circumstances. |
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Ollie pants – I like to wear a blue helmet, ride a Giant bike but back home, you’ll find me riding in the opposite direction to the coach. |
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Red bull syrup pants – I like to wear my pants low to make it look like I am brave and fully submerged in the cold plunge pool. I might not be able to close my eyes until I get back to Melbourne due to the copious amounts of Red Bull consumed post TT efforts on the bike. |
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Junior pants – I put new tractor tyres on my bike and was the only one to get a flat on our first ride. I would like to say a huge thank you to Grumpy pants for helping me put my bike together, even if we covered the room with grease! |
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Determination pants – I am full of kindness, willing to share all my useful tips and learnings from previous camps to ensure the new athletes this year don’t make the same mistakes. I work away at my goals with determination and a smile! |
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Cheating pants – I wear flotation pants (aka: floaties) so I can beat Grumpy, Happy and Junior pants in the pool. I am always there to capture the moment, whether it be a training session, a selfie…but most of the time, the wildlife! |
Eddy, Jen, Jo, Maria, Jo, Jez, Steph, Stephen, Andy, Ollie, Hannah, Gary
(stay tuned for the answers next week!)

We are having a great time here, training hard with a great bunch of people and incredible facilities and food! We have been running, swimming and riding…and pinching ourselves that we are riding bikes in Thailand!! Dodging snakes, cows, dogs, holes, bumps, cars, motorbikes, and foliage all on smooth roads with only one set of traffic lights, amazing!
We have been sweating…lots and weighing in and out of sessions to measure our sweat loss. Recovery includes cold (9 degrees!!) and hot plunge pools, and local Thai massage – bliss! We have been fueling well with delicious, healthy food for breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Thanyapura buffet. Many of us have stepped outside our comfort zones to try Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, sticky rice, fresh coconut and Durian fruit…only the brave ones! But this is just the start, there’s plenty more to come!
Stay tuned on Instagram for our stories giving you a sneak peak in to life here in Thailand and we’ll be back next week with even more of an update!
Train well, stay warm and we will see you soon!
Eddy, Steph, Gaz, and the rest of the crew at Thanyapura! ?