When did you join TA?
Jan 2017 – I saw the ad in facebook for the Try the Tri course, which Scott and Paddy led. It was an amazing course, and I did something I
had never thought I could – swim in open water.
Tell us about the triathlons you have done so far, and do you have any long course aspirations?
What do you do when you’re not swimming, riding and running?
If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Who is your biggest inspiration?

We have noticed you have been away recently…can you tell us a bit more about where you have been?
I went to a Hatha yoga course at Sadhguru’s Ashram in Coimbatore, India. This was a turning point in my life, as I’ve suffered from a lot of anxiety all my life and burnt out 2 months ago. I was here for 10 days and was brought back to life by the energy and practising body contortions 7 hours a day. Unfortunately, I caught bronchitis upon returning and couldn’t train, but have been keeping up with 1.5 hours of practise almost daily.
Thanks for the interview Steph and Eddie! My only regret is not acknowledging both of you in holding the squad together. You guys have both been so welcoming and are outstanding role models for the rest of the squad. Keep it up guys!