Athlete | Race# |
Eduardo OLIVEIRA | 2123 |
Rafael NASCIMENTO | 2388 |
Raphael BARBOSA MACIEL | 2462 |
Paul MARTIN | 2514 |
Naomi RYAN | 2586 |
Richard MAY | 2635 |
Cressida BEALE | 2829 |
Michelle GROCOCK | 2845 |
Michael GALLAGHER | 2990 |
Rachel MYCROFT | 3032 |
Fikriye SUKRU | 3087 |
Pam TUNAS | 3122 |

Name: Naomi Ryan
Race #: 2586
IM history: Cairns will be my first 70.3 event
How has training gone: I’ve been sticking to the program Ollie gave me as much as possible, it was tailored for a first timer which was good. I couldn’t have got through the training though without my training buddies Rachel, Cressie, Ash, Mario, Michael and the TA athletes who have kept me company or encouraged me along the way. The training has also helped my leadership professionally, I have been able to lead by example how flexible working does work, and my team have felt inspired that they can use flexible working to do what they want to achieve.
What are your thoughts about the Cairns 70.3: Well this is my first one, so I am very nervous, this is a very big challenge for me and my goal is to finish the race within the cut off time.
What are you most looking forward to: everyone said it’s one of the best, the bike course along the coast looks very impressive so looking forward to the views (hopefully it takes my mind off climbing the hills!). Also, the atmosphere of an IM event and having so many of the TA team up there.
What are you worried about: so many things that I need to stop wasting my energy on! Some of them have been- the swim: how is there no crocodiles in that spot? the heat and humidity; climbing the hills; will I be able to run off the bike on race day (that is still very hard!)
Favourite training session: the great thing about being a first timer is every week I have achieved something I would never thought possible for my athletic ability (or lack of!) every Saturday and Sunday I get a PB from the longest ride and run I’ve ever done in my life- so even before race day on Sunday I have already felt a sense of achievement!
Best training nutrition: I’ve stuck with the Shotz gels and a cliff bar on the rides. What really gets me through is thinking about the Acai bow & coffee from Combi after training and of course a chat with my training buddies!
One piece of advice from IM athletes: I haven’t got through it yet so don’t feel qualified to give any although as above I have probably wasted time and energy on worrying about things rather than just getting on with it – lesson learned!
What’s for breakfast race morning: toast, bar, banana (it’s an early wake up of 3.30am!)
How will you celebrate: We will definitely have champagne in the fridge waiting!
I have a good friend’s wedding the next day which I am also excited for. (I will have another mini ironman to get from Cairns to the wedding at 5pm in Melbourne on Monday (and try to look half decent!).

Name: Cressida Beale
Race #2829
What are your thoughts about Cairns 70.3? Excitement to see 2 mates achieve their 1st 70.3 So proud of Rachel and Naomi I can’t wait celebrate their success at the finish line and cheer loudly throughout the race. That goes for a few very special IM legends too.
What are you most looking forward to? Seeing my friends and TA team mates get through the race safely and celebrating everyone’s incredible achievement.

Name: Michelle Grocock
Race # Absolutely no clue, think it’s #12 for Half Ironman races?
Fun Fact about you: I don’t race anywhere near as much as people think. I just like to tell you all every time I do, so it feels like it. Hee.
Your IM history/journey? First half Ironman was Shepparton in 2012. Now I tend to pick races in awesome parts of the world that I want to visit. I wasn’t planning on doing Cairns 70.3 but then I discovered I had to be in Cairns for work that week anyway, so why the hell not?
How has your training gone for this event? Training? I was meant to train?
What are your thoughts about IM Cairns 70.3? I’ve completed the full distance race, but never the 70.3. I was meant to do it a few years ago but got sick the night before so pulled out. I absolutely loved the full distance race. The bike course is just so special (albeit I don’t get to experience the whole course this time with the 70.3)
What are you most looking forward to? Finishing (slowly), cheering on fellow 70.3 athletes while I cruise around the course, and then yelling extremely loudly at everybody doing the full distance
What are you worried about? Not much, I haven’t trained much so have no expectations and I’m not there for any other reason than to have a bit of fun with friends
Favourite training session? Bizarrely at the moment, the gym!
Best training nutrition? Water
One piece of advice for IM athletes? You’ve got this! Well, provided you keep your shit together, you’ve got this!
What’s for breakfast race morning? Coffee and maybe nut butter
How will you celebrate? With my TA friends

Name: Rachel Mycroft
Race #3032
Your IM history/journey? first time
How has your training gone for this event? I think I am right in saying I am the oldest female member of TA at the moment, so I started training mentally and physically before Christmas! I figured I needed as much time as I could get. Then Ollie delivered our official training schedule and I really tried to follow it as best I could. (Avoided the odd one here and there if I knew Greg was going to shout, but on the whole, he hasn’t been too bad!) The most important part of the training though was having like- minded people to train with and being part of such a supportive group. Naomi, Cressie, Mario, Ash and Michael have been with me every step/pedal/stroke of the way as well as having wonderful mentoring by Caroline Houston and Sharon Smith who have got a few races under their belts. And could not have done any of it without the support of my husband, Guy.
What are your thoughts about IM Cairns 70.3? Would just like to get it done now. I don’t feel I’ve done nearly enough training, but everyone tells me it’s like that. It is a HUGE challenge and one I am going to try my hardest in. At the end of the day, I just want to complete the distance and to be able to know I gave it my best.
What are you most looking forward to? Dodging the crocodiles, struggling up huge mountains in gale force winds and running in hot and humid conditions!
Seriously – the experience! And celebrating with all the TA crowd afterwards. There’s quite a lot of us going, you know!
What are you worried about? see above!
Favourite training session? Hard one to choose. I’ve loved them all.
But swimming on a Friday morning in the outdoor pool watching the sun rise has got to be special. Elwood open water swim on a hot summer night was always good fun too.
Best training nutrition? Well I did a bit of experimenting this year and made my own raspberry gels! Delicious. However, too tricky to make for the race so small white sandwiches with honey and small squares of Turkish Delight. Saw me back to Elwood and breakfast at Combi on more than one occasion after a long ride.
One piece of advice for IM athletes? Not sure I qualify to give anyone advice! Listen to the coaches, listen to your body and know when to have a rest day!
What’s for breakfast race morning? Early start so piece of toast with honey and a banana first.
How will you celebrate? With pride!
With my fellow athletes.
Perhaps with a glass of something.
And a long, long, long bath! (Remember – I’m probably the same age as your mothers!)

Name: Fik Sukru
Race #3087
Fun Fact about you: I love my sports
IM history: Cairns will be my second 70.3. I really like long course as it keeps me going and enjoy the outdoors
How has your training gone for this event? Really well and couldn’t have done it without great buddies in the TA team especially Pammy and Simon
What are your thoughts about 70.3? Really excited and can’t wait to tackle the course
What are you most looking forward to? The bike and scenery at cairns – apparently, it’s beautiful along the coast to Port Douglas so hoping I get a chance to take it all in
What are you worried about? Hope it doesn’t rain
Favourite training session? Swimming
Best training nutrition? Coke and Mars bar but they are my last go to. Have been training a lot with Shotz and find they definitely help
One piece of advice for IM athletes? Train hard. If you’ve put in the training you’ve got this.
What’s for breakfast race morning? A long black coffee for sure
How will you celebrate? Spending time with my fellow TA buddies after the race celebrating with good food

Name: Pam Tunas
Race #3122
Fun Fact about you: love keeping it moving and keeping it happy! No stress!
Your IM history/journey? 6-70.3 and 2-140.6.
How has your training gone for this event? Due to family commitments, the plan was to keep moving on coaches’ instructions after Busso. So, my training started as a support buddy to Simon training for his first full IM. Training was all about chasing my buddies, Simon on the bike and Fik in the pool. Kept it fun fact as Mr Fox and hounds. Overall it was happy training.
What are your thoughts about IM Cairns? looking forward to soaking in the tropical scenery.
What are you most looking forward to? Passing through the finish line @no:7-70.3. Last one was 3 years ago.
What are you worried about? Jelly fish /crocks! in the swim and rain on the bike.
Favourite training session? Long Runs! Run and Run! Love the outdoors.
Best training nutrition? Sustagen sport chocolate flavour on the bike! Shotz caffeine gel on the run.
One piece of advice for IM athletes? Stick to the TA /LC program. Trust your coach and training. Keep focus on your goal with likeminded buddies.
What’s for breakfast race morning? 2 boiled eggs with Turkish coffee.
How will you celebrate? Glorious food, which will incorporate lots of dairy and specially feta cheese.