Amybassador’s Final Words…
Well, what can I say about the last 12 months……. LOVE…LOVE…LOVED IT!!
Thank you ever so much for the amazing privilege of being your 2016/17 TA Am-Bassador!! So, it’s time to tap out and let the new season’s fab ambassadors step in. But first, just a few little closing words to add to what I said last Thursday night:
Tri-Alliance is not just a sporting club; it’s like a second family that we get to hang with nearly every day of the week. It’s a family that we can talk shit to about things that other people think is strange and odd, like getting up at 5am and doing not one, but 3 sports at one time, what new Garmin there is and what new fancy bit you found to use on it, how far and how long we put our minds and bodies through what seems like torture at the time, our upcoming races, discussing your goals and the ins and outs of every weather app!!!
But most importantly, it has people that will always be there when you need them, people that will become your lifelong friends, push you to your limits, make you do things you never thought possible and make you become a better version of yourself.
To the new awesome ambassadors, all I can say is, just be yourself and don’t change! That’s why you are who you are! And to everyone else, thank you! The last 12 months really did mean the world to me.
So, let’s bring on 2017/18 season and continue being just as great as the last.
Ashbassador’s Last Words…
I absolutely loved being the Tri-Alliance, your ambassador, for 2017. As I look back on my time in this important role, I have a few thoughts I would like to convey.
Firstly, thanks must go to Ollie and the coaches who had the confidence to appoint me to the role. I was blown away that the coaches and athletes alike recognised that quality when at times I couldn’t see it in myself.
Secondly, thanks need to go to Orca Australia and Mizuno for their continued support of Tri-Alliance.
Thirdly, while there are some formal duties needed by the ambassadors, the role is never about being recognised as being above or better than others; it’s about being a servant of others. Serving others, lending a helping hand, stimulating growth in others – this is the essence of the ambassador role. This is what I love the most! There is an old saying, “Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you will feed home for a lifetime.” This is an essential idea to grasp, not necessarily to continually do things for others, but to give them the skills to do things for themselves. Those people then go on to rise to the occasion and become the helpers and not the receivers of help. It’s a continuous cycle. The role of the TA Ambassador is about people.
Fourthly, Ambassador Amy and I leave the wider Tri-Alliance family with two new ambassadors, two extraordinary normal people who have risen to the occasion. I would ask everyone to support them, just like you supported us.
Ashbassador out