For those who haven’t been lucky enough to meet Fik yet, she is a bundle of smiles and joy, always ready to offer some words of encouragement or inspiration to each and every TA athlete! Let’s get to know a bit more about our friendly Fik…
When did you join TA and why you decided to join the club?
I joined TA in 2013/2014 and prior to that I had no idea about triathlons. It was until I entered the corporate triathlon for many years and decided to see what this sport was all about. I joined Ollie’s famous tri the tri program to complete my first Gatorade race and since then I have never looked back. TA is more than a sport, as we know it’s a family and more importantly a lifestyle. Meeting so many incredible people and lifelong friends.
Wow, you are quite the seasoned triathlete! What’s your favourite race, or race moment?
I completed many of the Gatorade series and Busso 2018 was my first half ironman. My favorite race moment was recently at Cairns during the bike course, overlooking the beautiful coastal beach towards Port Douglas. Another race moment was Sufferfest Olympic Distance in 2017 at Warrnambool– the hill straight out of transition was like Mt Everest lol
You have covered a lot of different distances, what’s your plan for this season?
Plan to keep it local and race Olympic distance in the 2XU series. A redemption I have in this sport is to complete challenge Melbourne one day, as my first experience I had to pull out of the run due to an injury in 2016. I’m also really looking forward to teaming up with Pammy and Simon as a TA team in a marathon swim at Rottnest, Perth 2020.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
My mum …
I also love training with all TA buddies and another inspiration is Pammy – her attitude in this sport is so infectious and her famous words are always “keep it happy: keep it moving”
What’s your favorite pre-race meal? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner!
My favorite meal is homemade chicken schnitzel, which isn’t the best prior to a race, so the best thing is pasta, mars bar, powerade and of course coffee.
After all these years of triathlon, what gets you out of bed each day?
Training outdoors. I love seeing new places on my bike rides and running. Swimming in the pool and open water is like therapy for me.
Many thanks for your time, Fik, it was super cool to get to know a bit more about you. Have a cracking year ahead and we will see you soon on the next training session 😉
Oh, and please, never stop sharing your beautiful and warm smile with all of us. You are a fantastic human being!
Eddy and Steph.