Paul Martin2477
Evan Maudsley2479
Brett Archbold2573
Sheridan Brown2650
Janine O'Grady2673
Michelle Grocock2788
Jen Schuster2803
Michael Gallagher2879


Name: Paul Martin

Race #: 2477

Triathlon history: My triathlon journey has been quite short. Did my first sprint triathlon in January 2019 as a challenge to rebuild fitness after badly hurting my back last year. I started the year struggling to run 2km and the sprint distance was a challenge for me. After joining TA in February, I managed build up to Olympic distance in March and then took on my first 70.3 in June.

How has this journey gone so far: The journey has gone well with very few setbacks. While you can always do more, I am feeling pretty well prepared, wiser (after learning a lot of lessons in Cairns) and ready to race.

What are your thoughts about 70.3 WA: Excited. Looking forward to putting my training to work and doing the best I can. Hopefully it is a cold wet windy day as well prepared for that after training in Melbourne. I’m a little nervous about the potential heat.

Do you have a race goal: Anything under 6 hours would be great and around 5:30 would be amazing. But I will be happy with anything if I do the best I can on the day. What I learnt from Cairns is you need to be ready to put goals aside because anything can happen on race day.

Favourite training session: Definitely enjoy the swimming sessions. Also the wind trainer sessions with Greg and the long course crew are always a laugh.

Your go-to training nutrition: Tailwind (blend of naked and tropical buzz) on the bike and SIS Go Isotonic Energy on the run.

What’s for breakfast race morning: Espresso and 2 pieces of peanut butter toast

How will you celebrate: definitely a nice cold beer and cheer on the Full course team.

Name: Janine O’Grady

Race #: 2673

Triathlon history: I did my first triathlon (fun tri) as part of Try the Tri program in Portarlington March 2018. I didn’t feel ready to step up to the Sprint distance so I did another fun tri for the last 2XU race of the 17/18 season in April.  I did my first winter training that year and chose Challenge Shepparton in Nov 2018 to do my first Sprint distance. I did my second Sprint a few weeks later and it ended up being a duathlon.  After that I wanted to try a longer distance to see how it felt.  I did my first Olympic at the end of March this year.  It was the first time I enjoyed a race and had a smile on my face.

How has this journey gone so far: It’s been long and challenging but rewarding.  I changed from short course to long course in May this year. I used winter to build a base of strength with Thailand camp thrown in there for endurance and heat conditions.  I did the Queenscliff camp and only did a couple of events that would help my A race goal.  It’s been quite a solo build in terms of training but I have had a lot of support behind the scenes.  Running is my weakness so this has been my major focus, making sure I turn up to those sessions and completing the whole set.

What are your thoughts about 70.3 WA: I’m excited as it’s my home state and will have family & friends there to cheer and support me.  Plus it’s south-west WA, it’s a gorgeous place to be and I might get to swim with sharks for free…..

Do you have a race goal: To finish the distance and enjoy it! I do have a race time in mind but that’s for the coach & I so I don’t put any added pressure on myself.

Favourite training session: Hot Laps, Saturday long rides (when it’s not windy or raining, which hasn’t been much during this build) and getting in the open water.

Your go-to training nutrition: I’m loving the new Koda Coca Cherry bar and Mango Passion Koda gels

What’s for breakfast race morning: Gluten Free weetbix with banana & honey

How will you celebrate: By cheering and supporting the rest of the TA team! Can’t wait to see the first time full distance athletes cross that finish line and become an Ironman.  The days following I will be in Margaret River enjoying the great weather, wine and food.

Name: Michelle Grocock

Race #: 70.3 number 14, I think?

Triathlon history: Did my first tri back in 2009. Definitely not a swimmer, cyclist or runner before that. Progressed a little since then….

How has this journey gone so far: I’ve only really been properly building for about the last 6 weeks. But it’s gone pretty well and I’ve notched up a few good run results along the way; that’s been good for the confidence.

What are your thoughts about 70.3 WA: I’ve done the full distance at Busso 4 times but never done the 70.3 before. So looking forward to it. It’s such an awesome place for a race. Apart from the flies.

Do you have a race goal: Not really. Give it a good crack and enjoy myself.

Favourite training session: At the moment my run. Oh and also some of the technique based swim stuff Greg has had me doing.

Your go-to training nutrition: SiS electrolyte tablets and for race day, Coke!

What’s for breakfast race morning: Coffee, probably some nut butter, maybe a banana

How will you celebrate: With everyone else who will be in Busso

Name: Evan Maudsley

Race #:  2479

Triathlon history: I developed my interest in triathlon watching the Hawaii Ironman and St.George Triathlon Series on Wide World of Sports back during high school.  Having been completing various races since the early 2000s, with the highlights being 7 x 70.3s and 3 x Ironman.  Port Mac Ironman was the ultimate highlight after having a great race and realising the benefits of having a structured training program rather than making it up on the fly.

How has this journey gone so far: Many false starts to start training again after having a child nearly 3 years ago.  Having worked out how to fit in the training, and find the motivation to dust off the bike, I quickly set my foolish target on the Ironman, before a wise old coach advised the 70.3 would be the better option. He was right – another Ironman can wait for another day, in the meantime I am looking at finishing this race and setting sights on the next 70.3 after that.

What are your thoughts about 70.3 WA: I am looking forward to having a heap of fun, and soaking up the race day atmosphere again.  I have never raced in Busselton it has been a long time coming, I’m looking forward to the bike course, but not the 5:30am race start.

Do you have a race goal:  This is my first triathlon in 3 years so finishing is the main goal, but deep down I have a competitive streak so I would like to equal some PBs if possible.

Favourite training session: Long rides and/or Thursday run sets (when the wind isn’t blowing a gale)

Your go-to training nutrition: Caramello Koalas – Mandatory nutrition at petrol station pit stops on long bike rides.

What’s for breakfast race morning: Vegemite toast

How will you celebrate: Watching friends complete the bike and run legs of the Ironman course – I am sure to come to the realisation that it is more tiring being a supporter on course than actually competing. Beers will follow when everyone has their finisher towels.

Name: Brett Archbold

Race #: 2573

Triathlon history: 15 years, from sprint distance to Ironman

How has this journey gone so far: A very short build, but also more training than previous 70.3’s!

What are your thoughts about 70.3 WA: I’ve raced the full several time’s there so looking forward to getting it done early and watching the main race. It should be a fast course.

Do you have a race goal: Sub 4.20 and a Taupo Worlds Spot

Favourite training session: Anything when I’m fit!

Your go-to training nutrition: Coke and a sauso roll at Safety Beach BP

What’s for breakfast race morning: Coffee and crumpets

How will you celebrate: Beers on the red-eye home Sunday night


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