Bondy, 03/12/201903/12/2019, General News, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Triathlon Training Camp, Weekly Transition, 0
+ WEEKLY TRANSITION 29th MAY 2019 – SWIM, RIDE, RUN, READ Bondy, 28/05/201929/05/2019, General News, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 1
+ August Time Trial Information Ollie Allan, 19/08/201119/08/2011, General News, The Weekly Transition, 0 Please ensure you read the following information on timetrials for August – commencing the week of Monday 22nd August....
+ Weekly Transition 18 August 2011 Ollie Allan, 18/08/201118/08/2011, General News, The Weekly Transition, 0 Word from the coaches…. Build week 2 this week, so there would be no doubt some tired legs around...
+ Weekly Newsletter 14th July 2015 Scott D'Aucourt, 14/07/201514/07/2015, General News, The Weekly Transition, 0 WEEKLY TRANSITION, SWIM, BIKE, RUN, READ….. WORD FROM THE COACHES NEW CYCLING GEAR ORDERS BIKES FOR SALE TRAINING CAMPS...
+ WELCOME TO HELL WEEK – DECEMBER 2020 Ollie Allan, 14/12/202014/12/2020, Athletes Corner, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
+ WEEKLY TRANSITION 1st JULY 2024 – SWIM, BIKE, RUN, READ Bondy, 01/07/202401/07/2024, Athletes Corner, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
+ WEEKLY TRANSITION 14th AUGUST 2019 – SWIM, RIDE, RUN, READ Bondy, 13/08/201913/08/2019, General News, TA-news, The Weekly Transition, Free Triathlon Training, Tri Alliance, triathlon coaching melbourne, Weekly Transition, 0
+ Weekly Transition 7March2013 Emma Donati, 07/03/201307/03/2013, General News, The Weekly Transition, 0 WORD FROM THE COACHES The team has had a great couple of weeks of solid training, including our Short...