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Tri Alliance athletes kick start their winter campaign
Ollie Allan, , General News, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, The Weekly Transition, 0
“Compromise is the cancer to success” If you make ‘excuses’ why you shouldn’t get out of bed; decide to...
IRONMAN Asia-Pacific Championship Cairns: Tri-Alliance Athlete Start List
Bondy, , Athletes Corner, General News, Races, TA Family, Athlete start list, Cairns 70.3, Ironman, Ironman Asia Pacific Championship, Ironman Cairns, TA Family, 0
Name: Hannah Jones Race #210 Next weekend, I'll lace up my Nike shoes, having eaten my white toast and...
Ambassador Sammy
Bondy, , Athletes Corner, ambassador, athlete, Athlete Blog, TA Family, 0
Who am I? Someone who talks about brunch, food and peanut butter (Mayver’s of course) way too much. But...
Weekly Transition 12June2013
Emma Donati, , General News, The Weekly Transition, 0
WORD FROM THE COACHES This year’s Lorne Winter Triathlon Training Camp has been described as the best Triathlon Training...
Tri Alliance Ambassador Anne-Marie Cooke
Emma Donati, , Announcements, Athletes Corner, General News, In the Media, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, 5
Tri Alliance Victoria’s Female Ambassador for the 2013/2014 Season, Anne-Marie Cooke shares with us her story on what it means...
Weekly Transition 14March2013
Emma Donati, , General News, The Weekly Transition, 0
WORD FROM THE COACHES Thanks to everyone who came along to our Ironman BBQ and Family Day on Sunday....
Tri Alliance – Ironman Western Australia
Emma Donati, , General News, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, The Weekly Transition, 1
Sunday 9 December 2012 Tri Alliance will take over it’s biggest contingent to Ironman Western Australia (better know as...
ElliptiGO Experiences – Recovering from Racing
Bondy, , Athletes Corner, General News, Training Tips, Cross Training, Free Triathlon Training, Recovery, Run Training, Running, 0
What was your last race and how did you feel afterwards? I recently completed my 8th full distance Ironman...
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