Weekly Transition 11 May 2011…. Swim, Bike, Run, Read….

Word from the Coaches

Firstly, what a great start to our Winter Triathlon Training Season! Numbers at sessions have been fantastic and the enthusiasm for training is defniately back! Although more could be said about the ‘fresh’ mornings, but as they say what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger…. (We’ll see!)

This weekend is our End Of Season Presentation Night (who’s excited!!) and what a night we have planned!!! (Last minute tickets are still available, email [email protected])

Kicking off at 6.30pm at The PowerHouse for drinks and canapés, introducing the biggest line up of awards to date, raffling and giving away a host of fantastic prizes and rounding off with a night of dancing at the Official After Party at The Saint (please note you MUST RSVP here to put your name on the After Party guest list).

You DO NOT want to miss out on this night!!! Read more…. OR email Sarah if you have yet to purchase your ticket!

Tri Alliance Training Gear will be ordered NEXT MONDAY 16 MAY. All orders MUST be received NO LATER than 12pm next Monday 16th!. Next order will not be placed until JULY! So don’t miss out on getting your gear in time for the Lorne Camp. ORDER ONLINE HERE. 15% discount to all Tri Alliance athletes when purchasing online.

Lorne Training Camp – new spots are now available! If you were waiting on a spot to attend this years much anticipated Lorne Training Camp then you are in luck! A handful of places have become available and we want you to come along enjoy and reap the benefits of attending such a fantastic training camp. Click here for full details. Email [email protected] if you would like to reserve a spot!

Tri Alliance Team Meeting. Our next Team Meeting is set for Tuesday 24th May. There will be no Windtraining session that evening, however we will be running a run session in the morningas a replacement. All athletes are expected to attend as this is an important meeting as we start the first of our 5 training phases for the year. Topics include: Yearly Planner, TA Focus Races, Athlete ID’s, Goal Setting plus more! RSVP here so we can cater for numbers.

Shepparton Half Ironman – date has now been released. Race date is Sunday 13 November. Please watch this space in regards to enrty. Currently entries open next Monday 16 May at Midday.

Run Melbourne – if you are cometing in this years Run Melbourne (July) please email Sarah and let us know. We need to ensure you are completing a sufficient run program leading into this race.


Winter Season Training

We have a number of new athletes within the squad who will be completing their first winter season with us. So if this is you, you will be amazed at how you progress over the coming months. It is those new to the sport who generally have the biggest gains, so put in the hard work and you will see the results this season.

For those who have been with us for 12+ months, we have plenty of changes that are being implemented into the winter program. Riding – group rides early in the piece will be a lot more structured. Riders will be split into groups based on ability (and not necessarily race distance) so you will be riding with similar riders. Distances will still vary for each discipline though. Beginners will spend more time on the flat and only when ready will they progress to harder hill rides.

Those racing short course, there will be more focus on the duathlon series over winter – dates have already been realised so you can get these out on the Tri Vic Website. This helps with race practise/simulation and race experience. Who knows – you could be the next Victorian Duathlon Champion!

Long Course (half & full ironman) will all initially train together in our initial base/technique phase and over the coming mobnths, you will see this branch out as full ironman increase their training load at a higher rate.

So stay tuned for further updates, as we plan on providing as much iformation to our athletes as possible to ensure you know where you are at in your program and why we complete certain sessions/periods etc. Make sure you come along to our first Team Meeting of the 2011/2012 season on Tuesday 24 May to receive further information. Please RSVP here so we can cater for numbers.

Altitude Training – over the coming weeks you will notice we commence prescribing altitude training into some of our training programs. We will be providing further information on Altitude Training and it’s benefits ( just ask Sarah Grove – age group winner at Shepparton) and Dan Brueckner (completed a Half IM PB including Run PB in Busso last week) and will also be holding an information session soon. So stay tuned!

Important – Training Updates & changes: Please ensure you read the following information in regards to training updates & changes:

  • The first THURSDAY NIGHT run session is being held in the WEST THIS Thursday. Check the timetable for details and meetnig place. We need to get numbers to these sessions to ensure they continue throughout winter.
  • Rides will change to a 7.00am start from THIS weekend.
  • Friday swims start THIS week at both MSAC and the WEST
  • Wednesday am swims at MSAC start next week 18 May for advanced swimmers and those still racing.
  • WEST swim location changes from Brunswick Baths to Northcote Aquatic Recreation Centre (YMCA), 180 Victoria Rd Northcote from Friday 20 May
  • Make sure you review the training timetables in full detail to ensure you don’t miss out on a session by turning up at the wrong time or wrong place!


Word around the squad

Last weekend Busselton Half Ironman was run and won by every athlete who crossed the finishing line. If you haven’t watched a Half or Full Ironman before – then you are missing out, as the atmoshpere is fantastic!

Dan Bueckner smashed out a Half IM PB with a 4hr 51min, including a PB on the run with a 1hr 39min. Top work Dan, your consistancy and dedication has paid off! Now for the big one in December….

Matt Green had a very solid race in completing his first Half Ironman in 5hr09min, including a solid 2hr35min on the bike in windy conditions AND with a bottle cage malfunction (note to self, locktite will be used next time!) and Jules also put another notch on her half ironman belt in 6hr24min! Well done to you both!!

Well done also to Shotz Steph Griffiths in her first Half IM. Completig in 6hr 43min – not a bad effort when all your bike training has been on a windtrainer. Well done Steph!

A big race up North was also held on the weekend in Byron Bay. TA athlete Ryan Bourke had a very impressive result for his first first Olympic Distance race with some very tough competition! He wasn’t planning on staying out on the course for very long as he crossed the line in 1hr55min58, cementing his 3rd place with 37min20sec 10km run off the bike. Ryan is one to watch…

We hear Bart Kohler prepared for his first Olympic Distance race in Darwin on the weekend at the Arafura Games with a pint or two, but none the less he completed the race with flying colours. Words from Bart… “Recovering from the Arafura Games Olympic distance Triathlon. Came dead last as was seriously overheated. Fun to finish though.” And this is important to remember – it’s not always about the result, but the FUN you have completing a triathlon. And the experiences and travel the sport can provide you with! Top work Bart – now for another beer this weekend!


Training Info & Updates

For those who missed the info last week….May is the start of the first phase of our 5 training phases in our Yearly Planner. It is the time of the year when the majority of our athletes start back training for our ‘Winter Base Training Program’ after some rest and recovery from the previous season of training and racing. This phase of training is based around slow km’s in the pool, on the bike and running as we start to build/work on improving your base fitness and technique. Read more….

MAY Training Timetables are now available CLICK HERE to view, please note a few of the following changes:

  • The first THURSDAY NIGHT run session is being held in the WEST THIS Thursday. Check the timetable
  • Rides will change to a 7.00am start from THIS weekend
  • Friday swims start back THIS week at both MSAC and the WEST
  • Wednesday am swims at MSAC start next week 18 May for advanced swimmers and those still racing.
  • WEST swim location changes from Brunswick Baths to Northcote Aquatic Recreation Centre (YMCA), 180 Victoria Rd Northcote from Friday 20 May
  • Make sure you review the training timetables in full detail to ensure you don’t miss out on a session by turning up at the wrong time or wrong place!


Equipment required for technique swim training

If you are attending any of our swimming sessions from May onwards, you will be required to bring with you the following swim gear:

  • Goggles
  • Hand Paddles
  • Pool Buoy
  • Fins
  • Kick board (optional)
  • Ankle Band (if you do not have one, simply cut up an old bike tyre tube and tie together just big enough to fit around your ankles)

If you do not have any (or some) of this swim gear, then make sure you purchase online here. Tri Alliance sells heavily discounted Engine Siwm Gear and also has a specific Engine Swim Starter Pack which includes ALL this gear from only $95 (RRP$140!) Click here to order your pack online today!


ReFuel after your Thursday Night Run with the squad!

You no longer have to decide what to cook on Thursday night’s any more! Our much loved post run dinners last winter were a hit and this season will be no different! Our starting locaton on Thurs 19 May will be Cafe a Taglio, 157 Fitzroy Street StKilda.  Tri Alliance has secured a fantastic deal, choose any Gaurmet Pasta and any 2 slices of their authentic Italian Pizza for only $15! First dinner is Thursday 19 May, so save that one in the diary!


Winter Training Gear – order now in time for Lorne Training Camp!

Make sure you are not left out in the cold this winter and order your winter training gear today!

Tri Alliance Training Gear will be ordered NEXT MONDAY 16 MAY. All orders MUST be received NO LATER than 12pm next Monday. Next order will not be placed until JULY! So don’t miss out on getting your gear in time for the Lorne Camp.


New Website – there’s more to come!

We have received a lot of feedback on the launch of our new look website so thank you all for your comments. As with many new changes/launches there is bound to be some teething programs and we appreciate your patience as we work through these. This launch was only the first phase of our website – purely the look and feel of the site. Once this has all be ironed out, we will be launching the next phase which is a new level including new athlete login features, articles, information and programming. Stay tuned on these exciting new updates.


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