

The saying ‘third time lucky’ never rang truer than for those who have raced Portarlington for the last consecutive few years. This year, we were treated to a golden sunrise revealing swimming pool-like conditions for the swim, barely a breath of wind for the bike, only to have it picking up ever so slightly just in time to aid runners on the home stretch! 56 TA athletes zipped around the course at Portarlington on Sunday with many overcoming fears instilled from previous years’ races, a few pushing the boundaries with the longer course, and others putting the hard yards at training to the test resulting in PBs and new learnings!

Congratulations to Sophie Perry, Lindsey Berne, Georgie Mervin, and Monty Cooper for winning their age groups; Anthony Cuzzupe and Steph Anderson for second place; and to Stephen Bond, Slaine O’Sullivan, Anna Kyriakos, Juliet Forsyth, and Team Ed and Me for finishing in third. Congratulations also go to the following top 10 finishers: Alison Eldridge, Rob Moran, Grady Walsh, Juan Pablo Lanzani, Fiona Daly, Stuart Muntz, Tara Catterall, Michelle Petrulis, Jo Greig, Francisco Rodrigues Saavedra, Andrea Stranna, Lisa Zilberpriver, Jennifer Forlonge, David Holm, Karyn McKenzie, Cecily Schwab, Sheridan Brown, and Melanie Bennett.

And a final shout out to Rob Moran who is part of TTT#6, working towards Race 6 at St Kilda. A last minute decision to race his first ever triathlon a bit ahead of time paid off with a fourth place result! #watchout

Full list of results can be found at: http://www.2xutriathlonseries.com.au/race-5-results/


StephanieAndersonF 20 - 29200:40:50
ThomasHarveyM 40 - 49300:41:51
AnnaKyriakosF 50 +300:50:10
GradyWalshM 40 - 49400:42:29
FionaDalyF 20 - 29500:47:24
STUARTMUNTZM 50 +500:43:38
MichellePetrulisF 20 - 29600:48:22
JenniferForlongeFamily & Friends700:51:06
DavidHolmM 30 - 39700:47:16
AlisonEldridgeF 40 - 49700:49:49
CecilySchwabF 50 +900:54:53
MelanieBennettF 20 - 291000:50:38
KarenHendrickxF 40 - 491100:54:22
CushlaMcguiganF 30 - 391200:49:23
IanHuntM 50 +1500:51:32
MichaelGreyM 50 +1600:52:18
StevenMulderM 50 +2301:12:36
NarelleHayesF 30 - 393101:04:27


SophiePerryF 25 - 29101:34:58
MontyCooperM Multiclass (Over 18)101:59:51
LindseyBerneF 35 - 39101:43:03
GeorginaMervinF 40 - 44101:34:45
AnthonyCuzzupeM 40 - 44201:25:02
StephenBondM 65 - 69301:52:56
SlaineO SullivanF 35 - 39301:45:58
Ed and MeTeam301:41:21
JulietForsythF 40 - 44301:39:41
RobMoranM First Timer401:43:54
Juan PabloLanzaniM Open401:39:26
TaraCatterallF 40 - 44601:47:50
JoGreigF First Timer602:00:01
FranciscoRodriguez SaavedraM Open601:45:39
AndreaStrannaF 30 - 34601:48:59
LisaZilberpriverF 40 - 44701:48:16
KarynMckenzieF 30 - 34901:50:55
SheridanBrownF 40 - 441001:53:28
NicoGrau MolinaM Open1201:50:23
JamesTylerM 45 - 491401:40:11
DonnaSullivanF 30 - 341401:59:41
LenaHandrinosF 25 - 291501:54:04
MeganSmithF 45 - 491702:05:21
NoemiFukuharaF 40 - 441902:12:27
DeniseHoulihanF 30 - 341902:10:37
AndrewJohnsonM 30 - 342101:43:09
ElizaRuggF 25 - 292602:23:32
JoeyYusof-VesseyM First Timer2602:08:47
DominicSydneyM 30 - 343201:52:57
LesJordanM 40 - 444001:53:12
MatthewFalvoM 25 - 294201:56:44
AdrianHindM 40 - 444902:00:05
EnriqueValenzuelaM 40 - 445102:00:43
JamesDella-PortaM 45 - 495202:12:44
RhysGilhomeM 40 - 445402:02:08
MichaelFearneM 40 - 445702:06:39
DillonLeM 40 - 446002:11:25


Congratulations also to our athletes who headed up north to take part in the the MooTri Festival.  We had Lotte racing in the ITU Triathlon World Cup race for elites on Saturday and Michael and Ange in the National Championship Standard Distance Triathlon for Age Group athletes on Sunday.


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Two races down, two to go.. the MOloolaba tri didn’t disappoint ?☀️ (31:22 / 1:13:18 / 57:11). Time to get serious @trialliance

A post shared by Michael Falla (@michaeljfalla) on

“Hope you all enjoyed St Pats Day ? I’m currently sitting at the airport ready to head home contemplating about my race at Mooloolaba today. Happy overall finishing in 3hrs and 21mins with a 6min PB and PBs in both the swim and bike legs. Had trouble in the run which slowed me down quite a lot, it was super hot with 75% humidity. Lessons learnt from today’s effort and can only improve for the next race ??

Thank you to everyone for all of your wonderful messages of support ??

The biggest thank you goes to Michelle Paton who was a wonderful cheerleader for me today after her race didn’t happen following her heroic effort in Taupō. She looked after me with breakfast and got me all sorted out.??”



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