Tri Alliance caught up with our Ironman athletes leading into Ironman Melbourne to share with you a quick and entertaining insight into each athletes preparation, challenges, expectations, advice for supporters and most importantly, how they plan on celebrating their achievements. We’ll share a group of athletes each day leading into the big race on Sunday 23 March. So come along and join in their journey….


SCOTT MEMERY (Forest Gump)Scott memery
Race #/Category? #837, 35-39
Biggest challenge getting to this point? Stress fracture right shin, broken left collar bone & the mental tiredness
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Support from family & friends, becoming part of the TA family. Learning how far my body will go when pushed.
Expectations leading into the race? Unsure what to expect other than it’s going to hurt a bit
Your advice to your supporters? Nothing said will offend me
How will you celebrate your achievement? Will just go with the flow, expect to be emotional after such an epic journey. Will just enjoy the moment. What you get by achieving your goal is not as important as what you become by achieving them. Traditional mdot tatt is on the cards too…

JAMIE MARKS (Marksey)Jamie Marks
Race #/Category? #198 M 25-29
Biggest challenge getting to this point? The current Stress Fracture that hasn’t healed yet and mentally trying to prepare for the swim/ride only whilst on one leg.  Also having to change my race goals from completing the event to learning from it to prepare for the another IM crack.
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Learning a lot about myself and the training requirements, setting a goal and working towards it.
Expectations leading into the race? Gain the experience of the event in the swim and ride, so i am more equiped to tackle it again in 2015.
Your advice to your supporters? (what not to say!) Where’s your moon boot?
How will you celebrate your achievement? Having a few cold corona’s watching everyone cross the finish line whilst wearing the moon boot!

KERRI WHITNEY (Kez)Kerri Whitney
Race #/Category? F30-34
Biggest challenge getting to this point? Biggest challenge, 4am alarms to get to training, but worth every time I train.
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Best part, Been very consistent. From Fairfield ice soaking, singing to swearing on the bike, the other athletes to chat to, the journey really has been amazing.
Expectations leading into the race? Expectations, to ‘get through’ the swim, have a solid bike and really dig deep and give it all on that run. Very excited to cross that line
Your advice to your supporters? Not to yell out – ‘Looking good’ or ‘almost there’. Prefer to hear – ‘Stay focused’ ‘You’ve got this’
How will you celebrate your achievement? Reward – Will still have 2 weeks of long service leave after Ironman!


MICHELLE BOND (Chelle)Michelle Bond
Race #/Category?
 #560 (30-34 Female)
Biggest challenge getting to this point? Training the body to realise it can just keep going and pushing beyond where I’ve never been before..…..and getting enough sleep!
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Hanging out with a great bunch of people and watching as the hard work pays off and your body gets fitter and stronger
Expectations leading into the race? Just looking to have a great day out there – a celebration of my journey
Your advice to your supporters? Always feels good to hear that I’m looking good/strong out there (even if I don’t feel like it)……just don’t tell me I’m almost there!
How will you celebrate your achievement? I’m looking forward to some drinking, dancing and holiday downtime

NARELLE CROOKS (Crooksey)Narelle Crooks
Race #/Category?
 #995 F35-39
Biggest challenge getting to this point? Overcoming a serious bike fall 5 weeks ago
Best part of the journey to Ironman? The people I get to train with
Expectations leading into the race? Survive the swim, and hope to ride and run as well as I can
Your advice to your supporters? Cheer loud and don’t expect me to smile until the finishers chute
How will you celebrate your achievement? Weekend away with no lycra in sight!

(many probably don’t know, Joseph is my real name, Jed is my nickname!)Jed Shiels
Race #/Category?
 #233 Age 25-29
Biggest challenge getting to this point? Balancing life – friends, family, work, $$$
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Being able to surprise myself every weekend and going on the journey with some amazing people
Your advice to your supporters? How will you celebrate your achievement? I’ll start with a beer….

BRAD CAMPBELL (Big Nut)Brad Campbell
Race #/Category?
 #646 and 35-39
Biggest challenge getting to this point? The running!
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Getting so much stronger on the bike.
Expectations leading into the race? No Expectations just want to finish. Sub 12 would be awesome!
Your advice to your supporters? When you see me walking, don’t say your almost there! Walking is part of the plan and I know exactly how far from the finish I am………..
How will you celebrate your achievement? Jump on the cans for a few days!!!

PATRICK FITZGERALD (Paddy, Fitz)Paddy Fitzgerald
Race #/Category?
 #1146 in the 40-44 age group
Biggest challenge getting to this point? Ensuring I was consistent in my training.
Best part of the journey to Ironman? Realisation that I can actually DO an Ironman
Expectations leading into the race? Beat the sunset. Say No to the glow!
Your advice to your supporters? Keep energy levels up, it is going to be a long day. DO NOT say “Nearly there”. We know how far it is!!!!!!!!!
How will you celebrate your achievement? Going to Port Douglas with Lisa for several days

Race #/Category?
 #1202   AG 40-44 (which I think is highly controversial as I’ll actually be 39 at raceday however WTC categorise you according to age at end of calendar year – that totally sux!)
Biggest challenge getting to this point? I think my biggest Challenge has been Challenge Melbourne in Feb – guess that makes kinda sense – heat, cramps, pain.  Falls Creek Camp was pretty soul-searching too.
Best part of the journey to Ironman? They say it’s more about the journey than the destination – I thoroughly disagree!
Expectations leading into the race? Hard to know, apart from expectations are high and I’m assuming it will be my hardest task in life thus far.  I’m really looking forward to seeing my comrades out on course, kissing some feet in the swim, friendly abuse on the ride, and running on clouds to the finish line.
Your advice to your supporters? ‘Honest’ encouragement.  ‘You’re almost there’ doesnt help when you have 30 kilometres to go (although people mean well…).  To the sickening of the purists I like to listen to music when training, so perhaps if supports could sing their fave song pls (I already regret saying that).
How will you celebrate your achievement? Deep fried quinoa.  I’ll be expecting the TA leadership team (tbc) to show me how celebrating an IM is done!!




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