Time Trials this week and we have had a great start so far with our swim time trials yesterday and our Coaches have been impressed with early season results so far. So a reminder that sessions this week are different than normal, make sure you are aware of all the details included here.

Time Trial Week also means RECOVERY WEEK. So make sure you use this time to catch up on recovery of all forms, including sleep, self-massage, stretching, icing niggles, completing prescribed physio exercises and eating sufficient good foods. As they say – preventative measures are always better than a cure!

July Training Programs will be out towards the end of this week, including an outline of everything you need to know as we head into the next phase of our training program – Strength Endurance for July and August. Following this weeks time trials, we will also reset pace charts for athletes leading into the next 6 weeks of training. So keep an eye out on this important information.

If you were wondering why you haven’t seen or heard from Coach Ryan in the last few days, you can worry no more. He is sunning himself in Bali for a couple of weeks as he enjoys his time surfing and working on his tan. So keep working hard in the pool and impress him on his return!

Tri Alliance have around 45 athletes running in the Run Melbourne Half Marathon and another 20 who are tackling the 5km or 10km events to test where their speed is at this time of the year. All athletes have been training well, with this week being the biggest build week and longest run this weekend. So goodluck to everyone in their final build and look forward to seeing you all compete in less than 3 weeks time!

Our popular Stroke Correction Course is starting again next month and we have 3 places remaining. Sessions will be held at 3pm on Saturday afternoons of the following dates:
Sat 21 July, Sat 28 July, Sat 4 Aug (week off – No Session), Sat 11 Aug, Sat 18 Aug & Sat 25 Aug. COST: Only $129. So if you want a spot email [email protected].

Good bye……This week we farewell a favourite of the squad Alison Werstuk. Alison has been with the squad for a year and a half and is one of our most consistant athletes at sessions. You will always see her riding to/from work and training on her bike and we don’t think we have ever seen her without a smile on her face. Alison is leaving us to head back home to Canda with her hubby and she is already gearing up for her first Half Ironman in September in her home Country. Alison, we wish you all the very best and you will be sadly missed by everyone in the squad! Make sure you wish Alison well this week before she departs!

Good luck….. to Michelle Grocock who is set to tackle her first Marathon this weekend at the Goald Coast Marathon. Michelle have been training really well and not even a little calf niggle will stop her getting to the start line. So best of luck Michelle. A great milestone to complete as she prepares for her first Ironman next March.

We have been able to secure additional lanes on Friday Mornings at MSAC for July so we can introduce all levels of athletes to Friday morning swimming. This does however mean an early start for some. Please ensure you are aware of new swim times on Friday’s starting from NEXT WEEK. Commencing Friday 6 July:
5.30-6.30am: Advanced & Top Intermediate
6.30-7.30am: Low Intermediate & Beginner
This was our best case scenario at the moment however we are in further discussions with MSAC. So stay tuned on any changes after July.

All sports need their officials and Triathlon is currently recruiting Technical Officials. The primary role of the Technical Officials (TO’s) is to ensure the safe and fair conduct of triathlon events. TO’s need to be good communicators, be assertive (not aggressive) and work effectively as a team member. Tri Alliance already has a number of qualified Technical Officials in their ranks including Ian Renouf, Greg Nugent, Sarah Lausberg and Sheridan Brown. So feel free to chat to any of these guys about what’s involved. CLICK HERE for more details and to book your spot contact [email protected]

All those athletes who train with Coach Greg at the run sessions in the North know that at the end of every session there is a compulsory waste deep dip in the river whether that be the Maribyrnong or the Yarra.

Generally after intense activity, like our long runs, your muscles experience micro trauma. These are small tears in the muscle fibres. You’re probably feeling some of it when your muscles hurt after an exhausting run, but you won’t feel every tear since they are, as the name implies, micro.
Because of the low temperature, a dip in the cold river becomes a great treatment for muscle soreness, strain, and inflammation. It also helps prevents the breakdown of muscle tissues. The cold water will stimulate muscle cells to start repairing the muscle tears. As you immerse yourself in the river, you’ll get relief from your sore muscles, let’s say your calves. The good thing about the dip is that your other leg muscles are also being treated in the process, like your hamstring, gluteus, and quadriceps. Thus, it gives your body optimal conditions for recovery.

Last Thursday Coach Greg took this form of recovery to new levels with a fully submerged dip a.k.a. falling in the river! The look on Ariel Grana’s face was priceless and Nurse Lisa was very helpful with her comment “What are you doing??” No rescue attempts were considered. “Duly noted!”

It’s easy to fall into a rutt during Winter. The days are cold, the mornings dark. So don’t lose sight of your seasons goals. If you do, you will lose sight of your training and your purpose for getting out of bed. So a few tips to keep you focused:

  • Don’t just review your goals, keep them in VIEW. On the fridge, beside your bed, on your pin board at work. Anywhere you will see them more than once a day.
  • Ask yourself what are my values behind my goals? IE WHY do you want to reach your goal/s? These value/s should be what drives you – not the goal itself.
  • When the alarm goes off, take yourself immediately to your values/goals
  • Have purpose at each training session – go in knowing what you want to get out of it. If it’s a recovery session, you should walk away feeling good. If it’s a technique session – focus on just that.
  • Don’t get caught up with what others are doing. Every athlete is invidual and if you are ever unsure – seek advice from a coach
  • TRAIN TO RACE, don’t race to train. This again goes back to YOUR goals/values. If you are peaking in your training now, how can you be at your peak for racing?
  • Still can’t remain focused? Speak to a Coach, maybe you just need some guidance to get you back on the right track.

Did you miss our training tip of the week last week? Check out last weeks newsletter to find out what it was.

In conjunction with the BikeLab we are finalising details on a Tour de France Party and fundraising night for ‘Ride to Conquer Cancer’.Full detaisl will be out in the next week, but make sure you save this date in your diary, will be a fun night!
*Note we are aware this is before Run Melbourne, so you can come along and support for as long or as little as you like… Did someone say PAR-TAY?!?!!!

Saturday 30 July:
RIDE TIME TRIALS. Click here for full details

Sunday 31 July: TRAIL RUN. All athletes to meet at Studley Park Boat Bouse, Kew Boulevard. 7.50am for a 8.00am start. Don’t be late – as you won’t find us! 🙂

Happy Training
Team Tri Alliance


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