In July 2019, what started out as a Facebook post with the question, “Who is interested in Rotto swim 2020?”,  saw Pam, Simon and Fik respond as keen participants, having heard so many great things about the event. On the day of registration, Fik had 6 browsers open, refreshing each page for at least 30 minutes with no success.  It wasn’t until the 35 min mark when a registration became open and they signed up – only to scrape in by 5 minutes, as registrations for Rotto teams sold out in 40 min.  This sounds worse than signing up for Noosa tri – crazy!


The next 6 months then became a summer of swimming for these 3, all without wetsuits!! Very different to training for triathlons.


“Firstly, we would like to thank Ollie for his support in our goal to just keep swimming and adjusting our program to achieve the training load required for the swim. As we were able to build each week and become stronger swimmers.


We would also like to thank the Bay Open Water Swimmers (BOWS) community at Black Rock. Peter Hendricks who welcomed us as a team and organised all the logistics for the event such as the paddler and boat without any hassles. He was also instrumental in finding our 4th team member for the event – Allana Smith.


With less than 1 week to go, we are looking forward to the swim as a team which will be a long 19.7 Km’s from Cottesloe beach to Rottnest Island. Bring on the support crew on the boat.


For those that would like to track the team, go to and their race number is 951.


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