Let’s get to know a little more about the one and only Pammy Tunas…

When did your story with TA start? 

My story with TA goes back to  about 16 years. When my youngest daughter was still in primary school!

We always see you in such a positive mood, with such a big smile on your face. When did you come up with the ‘keep it happy’ mantra in triathlon?  

Keep it moving! keep it happy! was a moto that I had came up with when, I was training for my first Ironman  2017 Busso. As, I had never ran a marathon before  this was a  huge step up for me. Something that I thought I would or could never do.   Let alone to be able to do it after a reasonably big swim and a huge bike ride.  It was a psychological barrier that I needed to get through, switch my mind to think along the lines that, “I am doing this  because I love the journey and to test my own limits and age was no barrier . Neither was, the fact that I had no back ground in either disciplines: swim, bike or run. It was a choice and not a must”. Hence to get my mind to think over my body , it was to  constantly direct to remind my self and my mind  during those  long runs on heavy legs , my motto came into play.  If I kept  my mind happy  then I could keep my body happy. Then we could get through this. And we did!

We’ve seen you do lots of tough and long races in the past few years. Tell us about these the races.

Indeed have participated in a few number triathlon races. Seven 70.3s plus a few teams of 70.3s  and two Full ironman, that is if you consider 2017 Busso as a full IM due to swim cancellation.  My 2 favorite races was my first  70.3 in Geelong and of course first IM 2017 Busso. As in both of these races  I had stepped up my training a finished the race well with in the cutt-off times,  hence  surprised my self .  Most favorite moments from all races was finishing in Busso 2017. As this was the mile stone in my triathlon journey.


What’s your plan next, post-COVID?

I don’t have a specific race,  that I am targeting this year  due to covid demanding excessive work hours.  I am looking at it like a strength and build year.  Keeping the mind happy and let the body be in a happy mode to feel hungry to focus on racing again.

What do you do when you’re not swimming, riding and running? 

I try to visit my family at least once a week,  spend some time with my parents and my 7 months old  grand daughter. I am looking forward to taking her to swim lessons.  My other favorite pass time is gardening, which does wonders in meditation.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Reach out to the children in the war zones. Syria, Palestine, Kashmiri, Myanmar,  Africa… now Libya. Have a and more  proactive role in humanitarian groups.

Do you have a favourite quote?

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier” Mother Teresa.

What’s one piece of advice you would give a new athlete?

Build your own journey with the advice of the coach, progressively. Don’t rush!

Photo credit: The Australian


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