The Half Ironman World Championships are being held again in Las Vegas, on 8 September 2013. A challenging hilly course in the hot desert heat makes for a tough race for some of the best Half Ironman Distance athletes in the World! Tri Alliances ‘Zoolander’ sits down with our athletes leading up to their big race.Marina Jurjevic1

Marina Jurjevic is one of Tri Alliance’s top female Long Course athletes, with a host of achievements to her name, including winning her age group in her first Ironman in Busselton in 2011, racing the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii in 2012 and taking the fastest female age group time in Ironman Cairns in 2012.

So which of your races last year did you qualify for this race?
Yeppoon 70.3 2012

How do you feel and how has your training been leading into the race?
I feel very underdone and training has not been ideal leading up to this race given I had completed an Ironman in June. Vegas was always going to be considered a train-through race so that’s exactly what it’ll be.

How much extra planning have you had to put into your preparation given you are racing overseas?
To be honest, haven’t actually done all that much to prepare for the race. I’ll be arriving 2 weeks before so will use that time to acclimatise to the warm weather.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of what everyone else is doing, sometimes you can even feel left out, as the majority of the squad is in a different training phase, how have you coped with this and what have you done to compensate?
I’ve struggled with just training let alone getting caught up in what everyone else is doing. I’m kind of used to be in a different training phase to others as I experienced it last year leading in to Hawaii and again this year leading in to Cairns. You just need to be willing to self-motivate.

How has your motivation been training over winter and what’s motivated you?
It has actually been quite depressing training over winter to be honest. For me it has been a combination of lack of motivation due to weather as well as due to still recovering mentally and physically from my last race.

How important has the support network of Coaches and other athletes been to you?
It has been extremely important to have the support of coaches and other athletes. Sometimes I tend to stay very quiet about how I’m really feeling…perhaps not the healthiest approach…so to be able to chat with Ollie, in particular, it helps make me feel less alone.Marina Jurjevic2

What has been your biggest challenge leading up to the race?
Actually getting out and doing the training. It seemed like a good idea at the time when I knew I couldn’t get to Hawaii…but man, what was I thinking?? I’m not a 70.3 athlete!!

What do you think your biggest challenge will be during the race?
The heat and the course difficulty will be my biggest challenge during the race. The run elevation graph leaves a lot to be desired…it is essentially 3.5km up…3.5km down…repeat 3 times…not my idea of fun!

Of course, making the team is one thing; you have to qualify, what advise do you have for those attempting to qualify for the Half Ironman World Championships next year?
Get down to the roll down ceremony as it is not that difficult to get a spot…of course that may change with the new location next year but my advice would still be the same. You never ever know if you never ever go. 🙂

You are in Sin City – the Gambling Capital of the world, Vegas! So how will you celebrate post-race??!
Hmmm…well I don’t drink…ever…not post race, not during the off-season…I guess I’ll have to find another way to celebrate…maybe I’ll go sky-diving or do something equally crazy.

Marina Jurjevic

What are your race plans post World Championships?
Plans post World Champs is to get straight back in to my Ironman build for Ironman Western Australia – Busselton in December. I am using the time in Vegas to get some consistency and volume back and ready to tackle the final 12 weeks up to Ironman number 6! This is my A-race so I cannot allow myself to get too caught up in the hype of racing overseas.

One word association:

Swim – Freestyle
Bike – GIANT
Run – Finish-line
Gel  – Shotz
Wax or Shave – Both
Vegas  – Hot
Black or red – Red
Pokies or tables – Pokies

Marina, thank you for taking the time in your busy schedule to sit down and share your experience and good luck in Vegas and then into your prep for Busso. We hear Kona is on the cards again…. so happy training and fast racing!!

Until next time, Coach Zoolander….

Coaches Ollie and Greg


  1. […] Ironman World Champs: Sunday 8 September Racing:  Nick Sissons #1201, M35-39 Marina Jurjevic #1292, F30-34 David Nealon #1509 M40-44 Ella Davies #2000 […]

  2. […] Ironman World Champs: Sunday 8 September Racing: Nick Sissons, Marina Jurjevic, David Nealon, Ella Davies Nick and Marina have already made their way over to Vegas and are […]

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