Dan’s swim video. Watch for the push through and finish of stroke.
Daniel Weekes swim video 17/11/10
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2010/2011 Presentation Night Award Winners
Ollie Allan, , General News, The Weekly Transition, 0
This years 2010/2011 End of Season Presentation Night was held on the weekend and what a great night it...
Ironman Western Australia Race Report
Ryan, , General News, In the Media, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, Busselton, Ironman western Australia, Race Report, triathlon, 0
Ironman Western Australia 2013 – third time’s a charm by Marina Jurjevic Set in the Margaret River region city...
An Athlete’s Reflection On the TA Way
Bondy, , Athletes Corner, General News, TA-news, Squad Tribute, TA Way, Tri Alliance Athletes, 0
With the exception of Cairns Ironman, Saturday’s EOSP marks the end of yet another season. Warmest of congratulations to...
Weekly Transition Ironman Melbourne Special
Emma Donati, , General News, The Weekly Transition, 0
IRONMAN MELBOURNE SPECIAL EDITION! WORD FROM THE COACHES A busy weekend gone, and an even busier week/weekend ahead! We...
Ambassador Steph
Bondy, , General News, 0
Tell us about yourself, Steph-bassador: I trained for months through Melbourne winter for my first ever triathlon at...
IMWA 2010 5 min till start!
Ollie Allan, , General News, Races, Tri Alliance TV, Trialliance, 0
5min to go!
Ironman Melbourne Tri Alliance Athlete List
Emma Donati, , General News, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, 1
Racing Form Guide By Greg ‘Zoolander’ Nugent Welcome to the pre race form guide for Tri alliance athletes racing the...
Weekly Transition 9 April 2014
Ollie Allan, , General News, The Weekly Transition, 0
WORD FROM THE COACHES We’ve had a great start to our April Transition Timetable, with relaxed session including a...
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