WORD FROM THE COACHES The calendar is already starting to fill up with races and events, with our first...
Archive for category: The Weekly Transition
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WORD FROM THE COACHES The first few weeks of training can always be the hardest. After enjoying some time...
WORD FROM THE COACHES We have had a great start to our Winter Triathlon Training this week, with big...
WORD FROM THE COACHES We have seen most athletes now slowly start getting back into a normal training routine...
WORD FROM THE COACHES Its been just over 3 weeks since the last Gatorade Race in Melbourne, 4 weeks...
WORD FROM THE COACHES We’ve had a fantastic start to our April Transition Timetable, with some great fun had...
WORD FROM THE COACHES With the last of the Melbourne triathlon races completed on the weekend at StKilda, 95% of our...
IRONMAN MELBOURNE SPECIAL EDITION WORD FROM THE COACHES Busy weekend gone, busy week/weekend ahead! Right at the pointy end...
WORD FROM THE COACHES Thanks to everyone who came along to our Ironman BBQ and Family Day on Sunday....
WORD FROM THE COACHES The team has had a great couple of weeks of solid training, including our Short...
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