WORD FROM THE COACHES We have seen most athletes now slowly start getting back into a normal training routine...
Archive for category: The Weekly Transition
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WORD FROM THE COACHES We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and balanced out the chocolates with...
WORD FROM THE COACHES It’s been just over 2 weeks since the last Gatorade Race in Melbourne, 3 weeks...
WORD FROM THE COACHES We’ve had a great start to our April Transition Timetable, with relaxed session including a...
WORD FROM THE COACHES With the last of the Gatorade Triathlon races completed on the weekend at StKilda, 95% of our...
WORD FROM THE COACHES A big weekend for everyone involved in Ironman Melbourne. From our 50 athletes that raced,...
RECOVERY AND TRANSITION PHASE For the majority of our athletes April marks the end of the season and time...
IRONMAN MELBOURNE SPECIAL EDITION! WORD FROM THE COACHES A busy weekend gone, and an even busier week/weekend ahead! We...
Tri Alliance Ironman Melbourne Information 2014
Emma Donati, , General News, In the Media, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, The Weekly Transition, 1IRONMAN MELBOURNE THIS SUNDAY 23 MARCH 2014 The day is nearly here for the biggest triathlon (Ironman) race to...
WORD FROM THE COACHES A solid weekend of training from our Ironman Athletes who are now all in what...
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