Falls Creek Altitude Training Camps
Improve your performance at Altitude!

Altitude has been providing an ‘edge’ to athletes for decades including the AIS, VIS and more recently most AFL Football Clubs including Collingwood are all attending altitude training camps to gain an edge on their competitors. Along with Triathlete Matt White who recently incorporated regular Altitude Training into his training “I have experienced a huge boost to my performance and general health……with noticeable improvements in my oxygen consumption and power output….”

And now YOU can attend your own altitude training camp to improve your training and racing performance by attending one of our Falls Creek Training Camps in 2012!


Tuesday 3 – Sunday 8 January 2012

5 Night and 3 Night stay options available
Give your training a mid-season boost by attending our Summer Altitude Training Camp. Ideal for those who are racing long course events during February – June including the Falls Creek Australian Long Course Championships, Ironman Melbourne, New Zealand, Port Macquarie and more! Use this camp for course familiarisation for those racing the Falls Creek Triathlon on 11 February and gain a performance edge for other long course races by training at altitude.
You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to train and learn from experienced Ironman coaches and experts in the industry of training at altitude.

What is involved?
• Altitude acclimatisation
• Altitude swim, bike, run sessions
• Race planning and nutrition
• Race simulation 1km/40km/10km
• Tips on how to tackle the Falls Creek Course and other long course events
• Race gear and equipment requirements
• Course details, intensity, strategies and tips
• Training and racing at altitude – improve your performance!
• Learn from experts in the industry!

CLICK HERE for more information and to reserve your place!

Tuesday 7 – Sunday 12 February

5 Night and 3 Night stay options available
Perfect for those athletes racing Falls Creek and using it as a lead-in race to Ironman Melbourne, New Zealand, Port Macquarie or any other Ironman race in March – June 2012.

Use this camp as acclimatisation into the Falls Creek event, including race reconnaissance, race planning and nutrition and course familiarisation. OR use this as preparation and lead-in into your next Ironman race including Ironman Melbourne! Use the training camp as a spike in your training and enter the Falls Creek Long Course as your lead-in event. The timing couldn’t be better!
What is involved?
• Altitude acclimatisation pre race
• Altitude swim, bike, run sessions
• Race planning and nutrition
• Tips on how to tackle the Falls Creek Course and other long course events
• Race gear and equipment requirements
• Course details, intensity, strategies and tips
• Mix with other long course athletes
• Training and racing at altitude – improve your performance!
• Learn from experts in the industry!
LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE at each camp, to express your interest please email [email protected]. Further details will be provided.
So don’t miss out on gaining the edge on your competitors – attend one (or both!) of our Falls Creek Training Camps! Places strictly limited. Book early to avoid missing out!

EMAIL [email protected] to register and for further information


There are many changes that occur in the body when exposed to high altitude which help provide a competitive edge including improved oxygen delivery to the muscles and energy utilisation in the body.
Being at altitude acclimatises the body to the lower level of oxygen available in the atmosphere, which in turn improves the delivery of oxygen to the muscles. For any type of exercise lasting longer than a few minutes, the body must use oxygen to generate energy. This type of exercise is called aerobic exercise, meaning with oxygen. The more efficient the body is at utilising and delivering oxygen, means it can lead to improved performance.

The body naturally produces a hormone called erythropoetin (EPO) which stimulates the production of red blood cells which carry oxygen to the muscles. Up to a point, the more blood cells you have, the more oxygen you can deliver to your muscles – and altitude training promotes the increase of red blood cell mass in our bodies. There are also a number of other changes that happen during acclimatisation which may help athletic performance, including an increase in the number of small blood vessels, an increase in buffering capacity (ability to manage the build-up of waste ‘lactic’ acid) and changes in the microscopic structure and function of the muscles themselves.

So as your body improves its efficiency, you gain a competitive edge when returning back to sea level as your body becomes more efficient in delivering oxygen to the working muscles.

Additional benefits of altitude training
• Increased V02 max (max rate of oxygen usage)
• Enhanced power output, speed, strength and endurance through efficiency
• Increased exercise-till-exhaustion (ETE) time
• Reduced recovery time after exertion
• Decreased resting heart-rate and blood pressure
• Diminished overall fatigue
• Higher metabolism, greater weight loss
• As an added bonus – it is time efficient training! (it’s 20% harder to train at altitude than at sea level!)

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